Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Deer in the Headlights

Our source begins in Cymbeline, Act III, Scene IV. The context: Posthumous has been conspirin' and hatin' on Imogen and she's had enough. Posthumous is in exile and Imogen insists that Pisanio should carry out his orders and 'end her life'.
We pick up at about...line 89 or so...

...--Prithee, dispatch: The lamb entreats the butcher: where's thy knife? Thou art too slow to do thy master's bidding, When I desire it too.
O gracious lady, Since I received command to do this business I have not slept one wink.
Do't and to bed then.
I'll wake mine eyeballs out first.
Wherefore, then, Didst undertake it?...[yada yada yada]...Why has thou gone so far, To be unbent when thou hast ta'en thy stand, Th'elected deer before thee?

Here we have a deer in the headlights. This is what popped into my head after reading the referenced scene. Mythologically, Pisanio is that deer above. He's wide-eyed, petrified, and waiting for his break (brake, too! Sorry, pun). Though, ain't it strange for Imogen to declare a role reversal, that Pisanio is the butcher? She's really the one behind the wheel, yet she calls herself the lamb to be slaughtered. Usually, the deer's the one that gets a windshield to the face and bumper to the knees. The one with the car is protected and confident in their security, yet shaken from the recent occurrence. Imogen is smart because she's the driver even though she "offers" Pisanio (the butcher) the wheel, but she really knows that it'll just scamper off. Pisanio is no butcher, he's just a deer who hasn't blinked once since he decided to come into the road.

The scene continues, and Pisanio suggests that he bring back part of Imogen's automobile to his forest friends. Maybe part of the bumper or windshield with a little flesh attached will suffice for proof that the deed is done? Let's see what happens next...
Will the deer find some more friends to walk into the road with him? Will they find some horns and headlights, again?

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