Thursday, April 28, 2011

In Short: Screenplay Scene V

I've prepared a brief retelling of the Cymbeline's final scene for my individual presentation, and this is going to be inspired by Dr. Sexson's favorite performance of The Tempest and my experience with how different I look without a hat.

Act V: Scene V

- King – Britain is saved because of all these people here today, except that one! Call in those who need rewards! Come in Morgan, Polydore, Cadwal. But wait, there is news, good or bad news? Bad, how bad? My wife is dead! What? And what’s that you say, my daughter too?! Ah, Fidele I’m glad you’re here. You’re the closest I have to family now.

- Fidele – You have no idea. But Cymbeline I must inquire into that ring in which that prisoner has. I’ve seen it.

- Iachimo – It’s from Posthumous Leonatus, I swear, but I can no longer bear the pain. I cheated, we didn’t do it, me and your daughter dear King! She’s chaste!

- Posthumous – What? You cheated, and then I ordered people to kill my wife?! I’m so angry I could just punch…a little kid.

- FideleàImogen – Ow, And who the heck do you think you are? And that Italian son of a bitch is the one who took my bracelet.

- King – my daughter alive, but how?

- Belarius – my boys, there was our error, she wasn’t even dead at her funeral. And she’s not a she at all. Ahahah

- Woodsmen – Bloody hell, she’s a bombshell!

- Posthumous – Well, not dead Imogen, I’m your husband. That’s quite a costume you have for being one possessing your chastity.

- Imogen – Wait a tick. Posthumous? Have I lost my head? I mean your head, I mean you’re dead.

- King – Where is Cloten, we can’t have this Postumous become king.

- Woodsmen – Oh that one, I killed him. He was a jackass.

- King – Jackass or not, nobody is going to get away with spilling royal blood.

- Belarius – Ehem, actually King, if I may, you have all the heir you need right in this room, if you catch my drift. These two are Guiderius and Arviragus, your sons, and I am the banished Belarius. I can prove it, just check this mole on his neck. So go ahead, kill your son!

- Woodsmen – Wait, if we’re royalty then that bombshell is my sister? Oh my god!

- King – well, um, Imogen. Did I ever tell you that you had two brothers?

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