Thursday, April 28, 2011

Vocab Lesson

Here are some of terms I've learned over the course of this class:

Visceral - pertaining to intuition rather than intellect
Pliable - adaptable, easily changed
Propinquity - close proximity
Lucidity - easily understood
Candid - open and sincere, frank
Osmosis - gradual compilation, assimilation, and convergence of knowledge and ideas
Rhapsody - study of book < study of the soul (from the woman's POV)
Ad nauseum - arguing to the point of nausea
Deus ex machina - a seemingly supernatural force which helps characters in a story out of a difficult situation
Miles gloriosus - braggart soldier
Neologism - newly coined term
Sieve - a strainer
Captious - apt to noticing faults, difficult to please
Capacious - spacious
Plausive - applauding
Intenible - "the captious and intenible sieve" -whatever that means
Pied - consisting of two or more colors
Anamnesis - complete remembrance, recollection, or memory

This is only a small, itty, bitty bit. Let's add to it in the future!

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